So I have officially taken my first "girls only" trip. My sister wanted to get away so we (my mom, sister and I) planned a trip to..where else do people like to get away...VEGAS!
So, on Saturday, July 11th, we hopped a flight and went to warmer weather. (115 degrees!) I am not one to complain about heat...I love being hot. It was almost unbearable for my mom and sister, I enjoyed it.
We stayed in the Trump Tower. It was so very beautiful! I will forever stay there when I go to Vegas. We had a little room issue when we got there, but they were very willing to help us and work it out. The room was actually more of an aparement than an hotel. It was exquisite! (There was a $100 per per room "insurance" fee per night in case of any "oops". Luckily we didn't get charged!) Below is the pool from our room. My sister and I only visited is once, for about 2 hours. We were too busy otherwise.
The first actual day we were there was did A LOT of walking. We walked from one end of the strip to almost the other end. It was Katrina's first time ever being, so we were there just for her. We did a little shopping, a lot of people watching, and more walking. That night we had tickets to see Cirque Du Soleil's "O" show at the Bellagio. I have been to see a few other Cirque shows, but this takes the cake! It was incredible. It was a water show. They had a huge stage of water and peole would dive into it, and suddenly liek 15 people would just appear out of no where in the water, and then a few moments later the water stage would just dissappear and a regualr stage was in its place. I deinitely recommend seeing this show!
The fountains at the Bellagio after the "O" show. They are very beautiful. We stuck around to see two different shows.
The second full day we were there we did more "attration hopping". We visited the mall and shopped and then we went to Mandalay Bay to the aquarium; Treasure Island to the other aquarium; Mirage to the animal sanctuary. It is a fuper fun day. By this time, our feet hurt sooo very bad from all the walking that we started getting taxis if we were going very far. My mom had to go home tonight, too. So we were packing everything in we could before she had to go.
The three of us at Mandalay Bay. (Above)
The tigers at the Mirage. (Below)
After we wished her a safe trip back, we decided to go out and play some more. to the mall to do more shopping. :) We had also decided that since this was our last night that we wanted to see another show. We had gotten tickets to the Blue Man Group. So, we hurried to the Venetian to the show.
The next morning, we decided to hit the Stratosphere. We caught a cab, with my sister's phone securly in her purse, and headed out. She wanted to ride the rides on the Stratosphere. We first rode the Big Shot (pictured below.) They have two newer rides: X-scream and Insanity. X-scream is like a giant teeter-totter that shoots you out over the edge of the needle and then while you are dangling, it lowers you so you are looking almost straight down! It was quite the ride. Then we rode Insanity. After seeing what it did, I didn't want to ride. Not because I was scared, but becuase I get sick on spinning rides. breaved it because my sister really wanted to go. You sit in a seat and then a giant robotic are swings you out over the edge of the needle and then you start spinning! You get spinning so fast that your seat lays forward and you are looking directly down over the seat. YIKES! I felt my face turning green. I couldn't wait for this ride to be over, and was very glad we had saved it until last. We got off the ride and both felt a little queasy. So, after riding the elevator down, getting each a Sprite to settle our stomache's, we hailed a cab and headed to lunch. We went to the Rainforest Cafe and chowed down! We headed back to the hotel after finishing our shopping. We packed our goods and headed to the airport.
We got to the airport and had made it through security when my sister received a call on her phone letting us know our plane had been delayed! That would have been nice to know BEFORE we arrived at the airport. So we slowly made our way to our terminal. We sat there and made observations to each other to pass the time. (We are both people watchers.) We grabbed a bite to eat when they announced our plane was about 30 minutes from boarding. We were one of the first ones to board and we settled into our seats. It wasn't bad enough that our plane was delayed 45 minutes before, now we sat on the plane at the gate for another 60 MINUTES! It was really frustrating. I let me husband know that he didn't need to be on time and then it was time for take off. We landed more than 2 hours later that orginally scheduled, but made it home safe.
It was a fun trip and I am glad that I could go with my sister, and would like to thank my fabulous husband for funding this trip and taking care of the kids so I could go. When's the next trip?
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